Talking to Teens
One in three adolescents in the United States experiences dating violence. There is hope when a teen you care about is in an abusive relationship. Call the Sarah’s Inn 24-hour crisis line for information about Sarah’s Inn services for teens and help with creating a safety plan.
Tips for Supporting Teens:
Do not blame
your teen for being in an abusive relationship or assume that they want to be in the abusive relationship.
Encourage your teen to build a healthy lifestyle
that provides a social buffer against abuse. Quality time with friends and family makes a difference, as does pursuing new interests with people who share those interests.
Guide your teen toward a sense of confidence
and freedom by helping them develop a process for making good decisions. Help them make a list of all possible options when presented with a choice, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each choice.
Prioritize your teen’s safety
by taking time to listen and understand their individual situation. Even if your teen ends the relationship, the teen’s former partner may continue their violent behavior through stalking and intimidation tactics. Focus on safety planning and do not put pressure on your teen to leave an abusive relationship before a safety plan is in place.
Do not force your teen to attend counseling or suggest that they need a psychologist. Instead,
present counseling and teen services at Sarah's Inn as an option
available to them that they can choose, and support them in their choice.
How to Start the Conversation with your Teen:
Here are some ways to start the conversation about dating violence and healthy relationships with
your teen or child.