Founds of Domestic Violence Advocacy – Ellen Pence

Although she had always been passionate about civil rights, in the 1970s Ellen Pence turned her focus to domestic violence, which at that time was referred to as the battered women’s movement. Ellen and several other activists at the time wanted to change the narrativeand response to domestic violence. Ellen and her colleagues in Duluth, Minnesota created the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, also referred to as the Duluth Model, in the early 1980s as a new model and approach in domestic violence advocacy. The main goals of the Duluth Model were to keep victims safe by not blaming them for the abuse and to hold the abusers accountable for theiractions. As they continued their work with women who had experienced abuse, Ellen and her colleagues wanted to get a better understanding of what washappening within the relationship and within the home. After hours of interviews and conversations, they constructed the Power and Control Wheel. The tactics inside the wheel combined with physical or sexual violence are the waythat they maintain power and control over the partner.

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